TAPESTRIES OF HOPE is an astounding story told through the eyes of filmmaker Michealene Cristini Risley. The film is a powerful documentary that exposes the horrors of the rape and sexual abuse of thousands of young girls in Zimbabwe by men who believe it will cure HIV/AIDS. The movie and its message of HOPE have become an example of the violence inflicted on women and children around the globe and the efforts and commitment to stop it.
Betty Makoni, the subject of the documentary is a tireless advocate for children through her organization, the Girl Child Network. She has been honored with numerous awards including The Ginetta Sagan Award, the Worlds Children’s prize and last year Top Ten CNN Heroes. Fearing for her family’s safety, she fled Zimbabwe but is working with a team of trained leaders at GCN.
The movie is being used as a tool by many non-profits to help raise awareness and push the United States Congress to pass and FUND the International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA).
“Tapestries of Hope” is premiering September 28th in theaters across the country for ONE night only. The film will be playing locally in the following areas:
Shattuck Cinemas
2230 Shattuck Avenue
Berkley, CA
(510) 464-5980
San Francisco:
Embarcadero Center
One Embarcadero Center, Promenade Level
Palo Alto:
Palo Alto Aquarius Theatre
430 Emerson St
Palo Alto, CA 94301-1604
(650) 266-9260
buy tickets at http://www.screenvision.com/s/showing/TapestriesOfHope/
Come support Betty’s work AND most importantly your showing up at a screening is sending a message to CONGRESS that we care about violence against women and children. Right now the legislation on I-VAWA is at risk, and your showing up could make a HUGE difference.
If you can’t come, spread the word AND sign the petition at: www.tapestriesofhope.com
Thank you!!!
Here are a few designs i made for Tapestries of Hope and will be featured on t-shirts or products for the documentary: