Hong Kong Garden

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Almost here

Watermelons in Graphic Design, Summer 2011
Here we go, the final push, have a juicy summer everyone!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Good afternoon world,
i'm writing from the local crêperie in menlo park. might as well be the most tranquil park in the district. the man who took my order asked if today was the end of the world. no it's really just how quiet it is. the only sound you can hear are the soft car engines. but just sitting here listening to the birds and then the occasional ding ding ding while the locomotive runs through..this is it. this is my spot. what are you doing this saturday afternoon?

i promise i have art to show. working on a album painting for a good friend. i'll have a few sketches to show next

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Legends of the Hidden Temple

Collage response, in watercolor and ink, Spring 2008

i have not spoken to some of these girls for more than a year. But it seems like this memory of us in our t-shirts and fanny packs can last me a lifetime.