by Elisabeth Ward and Vickie Li
In our senior spring quarter, Eli and I decided to take on an "on-campus project" which replaced one of our classes (for me it was higher mathematics) Here was our proposal:
During our time at Hotchkiss, we have been exposed to a plethora of knowledge, obtained through lectures, exhibitions, concerts, field trips, and, of course, our class time. However, while we have eagerly absorbed the information presented to us, each subject at Hotchkiss, with the exception of American Studies, was largely separate from the other courses at hand. For younger students, the curriculum is already changing. Hotchkiss has adopted a new humanities program “designed for students who enjoy discovering the connections among disciplines that deepen learning.” As we embark on our final semester, each day is embedded with a routine similar to that in which we have lived the past four years. We want to conclude our Hotchkiss career with a more climactic finale; we are now impelled to take the next step in our education.Through independent work, we want to discover the value of interdisciplinary learning. By integrating information and concepts gathered from courses in History, English, and the Sciences, we want to compose a series of sculptural works to display throughout main building. Artists such as Joseph Cornell, Robert Rauschenberg, Sarah Sze, and Joseph Beuys have inspired us through their non-conventional work, infused by the cultural context from which they were born. Their unique projects are assemblies of everyday objects, collected from their possessions, thrift stores, garage sales, and found objects. Each design is arranged in an interesting or provocative manner, yet the purpose isn’t merely aesthetic. The concept underlying the work is palpable through the artists’ choices of materials, composition, juxtaposition, structure, and lighting...
Using found materials, we each made 2 boxes. Then we both started 1 box but finished each others without discussion.
Caged Bird by Vickie Li and Elisabeth Ward

Final Output
An artist who works with found materials is frequently described as making something out of nothing. I rolled around the orange peel, now dried and stiff against my palm. Who knew literal things could create such a subtle and an elaborative form of “magic”? I sprayed it with gold paint providing the “forgotten” material with a new reason for being.
by transforming everyday materials and discarded goods into the building block, other work, we found value in ruin
Art Installation Piece
here gathering ideas at a local visit to Artist, Joel Schapira
Took a trip into New York City and finally got to meet my first cousin & her daughter for the very first time, artist Sarah Sze, she is amazing amazing amazing. Currently, she is a professor at Columbia University, her artworks have been displayed at MoMa, NYC Central Park, and museums around the world!!
Her latest work: portable planetarium, exhibited in Lyon, France 2009
A closer look
Made with toothpicks, tape, ordinary daily objects! Stunning!
Things Fall Apart is absolutely my favourite one. This one was displayed at the MoMA in San Francisco California,

Inside the Jeep:
Please visit her website, it's mind-blowing! :
So here is what Elisabeth and My Final product was:
The Imperfect is Our Paradise
And so many thanks to our super super cool art supervisor: Terri Moore!!
I did find her blog online, she hasn't been blogging recently, but do look at her artworks! i never had her as an art teacher, although Elisabeth did! She was the best, the nicest teacher ever! I picked up a lot of fresh new ideas from her and I was really glad we picked her to supervise us! Thanks for everything you did for us; I'm also really sorry about the hole in your thumb; and i wear the necklace you gave elisabeth and me, all the time!
VICKIE! This is completely awesome...AND I actually picked up the other boxes that we left at Hotchkiss (I went back to visit for the first time..soso sad to be there withouttt you!). ALSO, one little part of our larger installation is still up at Hotchkiss...I ABSOLUTELY love that something of ours remains there...
xoxo eli